“Catlike Grace.”

I wrote this one on Monday night, as I listened to the Stones, and edited it a couple hours ago. It’s more aspirational than I’d like to admit.

I hope you enjoy this. 🙂

Catlike Grace

Some nights, the grey waves roll right over me,

And fill me with the hue and cry of fear;

Some nights, I burn with fierce intensity,

Like copper chloride, bright and blue and clear.

Some mornings, I may groan my shaky prayer

And watch the sunlight flicker on my wall.

Some mornings, I will feel as light as air,

And lift my weights and pass my big grey ball.

My passions can be fluid, like the sea,

My movements quick and full of catlike grace…

But when I feel the ancient injury,

I lose momentum, and may lose my place.

Connection lights my spirit’s ceaseless fire,

And sweet relation is my heart’s desire.

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