“Jesus Can Wait.”

I wrote this one yesterday as I reflected on my current relationship to churchgoing. Blessed are those who take no offense at me…

and I hope you enjoy this. 🙂

Jesus Can Wait

Sometimes, I prefer liturgy

To pancakes on my plate.

Sometimes, I’m with my loved ones, so…

Sometimes, Jesus can wait.

I sometimes bus to Sandy Hill,

But often I come late.

Sometimes I drink Communion wine.

Some days, Jesus can wait.

He’s awfully patient when I falter

And prevaricate.

Apocalypses come and go.

The Lord knows how to wait.

My loved ones are quite patient too;

They do not deviate

From fulsome hospitality,

From pancakes on my plate.

Sweet blueberries and chocolate chips

Often ameliorate

The stimuli of working days.

Sometimes, the world can wait.

Pancakes are signs of empathy;

They give us a clean slate,

And strengthen our integrity

In our embodied state.